управління інвестиційним потенціалом територіальних громад

In their article, P. V. Zhuk and Z. O. Siryk analyze the current scientific approaches to the definition of the term “investment potential” and offer a comprehensive definition of the concept of “investment potential of a territorial community” and outline its specific features, structure, and its main factors. The author reviews the problems of creating and efficiently using all components of the investment potential of territorial communities for their proper presentation and increasing the opportunities for attracting appropriate investors. The author also proposes an adequate regulation (scheme) for managing investment potential at the local level.

In addition, attention is drawn to the fact that under the current conditions of budgeting and interbudgetary relations, the real possibility of using financial resources of local budgets for investment is very limited. On the other hand, this situation stimulates the intensification of organizational and managerial efforts on the part of territorial communities to initiate their own “investment reserves” and activities to promote the attraction of financial resources from outside, which will provide additional opportunities to address the priorities of socio-economic, cultural and educational development of local communities.

Article: https://re.gov.ua/re201702/re201702_016_ZhukPV,SirykZO.pdf