Minutes No. 1 of the
of the constituent assembly of the founders of the Charitable organization “Charitable Foundation

_____________                                                                                                                                   __ _____________ of the year

The Founders are present:

1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________

The register of those present participating in the constituent assembly (attached).
– _______________________________ as the chairman of the constituent assembly;
– ______________________________ as the secretary to keep the minutes of the constituent assembly.

1. On the establishment of the Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation ‘__________’.
2. Determination of the location of the Charitable Foundation.
3. On the election of the Board and the Supervisory Board of the Charitable Foundation.
4. On approval of the Charter and state registration of the Charitable Foundation.

1. THE FIRST ITEM WAS HEARD FROM: ____________________, who proposed to establish the Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation ‘____(name)___________’ by the founders to be appointed:

– ________(full name)__________________, ____ ________ year of birth, passport series ______ № ___________, issued by _____(authority)________________ ________ ______ year, registered in ________(place of registration)________________________, identification number _____________;

– ________(full name)__________________, ____ ________, born on ______, passport series ______ No. ___________, issued by _____(authority)________________ ________ ______, registered in ________________________, identification number _____________;

DECIDED: To establish the Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation ‘______________’ by the founders to be determined:
– ________(full name)__________________, ____ ________, born in year, passport series ______ № ___________, issued by _____(authority)________________ ________ ______, registered in ________(place of registration)________________________, identification number _____________;

– ________(full name)__________________, ____ ________, born in year ______, passport series ______ No. ___________, issued by _____(authority)________________ ________ ______, registered in ________(place of registration)________________________, identification number _____________;

VOTED: Unanimously – “FOR”

2. ON THE SECOND ISSUE, THE FOLLOWING WAS HEARD: ________________________, who proposed to determine the location of the Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation ‘_________’ at the address: _____________________________________.

DECIDED: to determine the location of the Charitable Organization “Charitable Foundation ‘_________’ at the following address: _____________________________________.

VOTED: Unanimously – “FOR”

3. ON THE THIRD ITEM, THE FOLLOWING WAS HEARD: ____________________, who proposed, in connection with the establishment of the Charitable Foundation, to elect the Board of the Charitable Foundation consisting of a Director and a Deputy Director of the Board. To elect ____________________ as the Director of the Board and _______________________________________ as the Deputy Director of the Board.

DECIDED: to elect the Board of the Charitable Foundation consisting of a Director and a Deputy Director of the Board. To elect ____________________ as the Director of the Board and _______________________________________ as the Deputy Director of the Board.

VOTED: Unanimously – “FOR”

4. ON THE FOURTH ITEM, THE FOLLOWING WAS HEARD: ___________________, who proposed to approve the Charter of the Charitable Foundation, to authorize the Chairman of the Meeting _______________ and the Secretary of the Meeting _________________ to sign the Charter and the minutes of the Meeting, and to authorize _____(full name)_________, ____ ________ _______, born in ___, passport series ___ No. _________, issued by ______(authority)_________ ___ _______ _____, registered in _______________(place of registration)_____________, to conduct state registration of the Charitable Foundation in accordance with the procedure established by law.

5. RESOLVED: to approve the Charter of the Charitable Foundation, to authorize the Chairman of the Meeting _______________ and the Secretary of the Meeting _________________ to sign the Charter and the minutes of the Meeting, and to authorize _____(full name)_________, ____ ________ _______, born ___, passport series ___ No. _________, issued by ______(authority)_________ ___ _______ _____, registered at _______________(place of registration)_____________, to conduct the state registration of the Charitable Foundation in accordance with the procedure established by law.

VOTED ON: Unanimously – “FOR”.


Chairman of the Meeting _________(full name)_________________                                                 ____(signature)____

Secretary of the Meeting __________(full name)___________________                                          ____(signature)____