The Voznesensk Community Foundation generally focuses on promoting the development of its community and improving the quality of life in the Voznesensk district as a whole.

The Foundation’s mission is to create opportunities for active residents to implement their ideas that lead to qualitative changes in the community.

Funding by the local community is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Activating the maximum number of residents and increasing the opportunities and effect of public initiatives.
  2. Development of local philanthropy and popularization of volunteering in the community.
  3. Expanding and simultaneously protecting women’s rights and overall gender equality.
  4. Active promotion of youth leadership development.
  5. Increasing public influence on decision-making processes in the community at all levels.
  6. Increasing the organizational capacity of the Foundation itself.

Main projects and programs of the Foundation:

Charitable program “Support the Ukrainian Army” – it provides charitable assistance to meet the urgent needs of military personnel and volunteers who come to train in military units in Mykolaiv region.

The “Let’s Help Together” charity program is aimed at helping children with various infectious diseases to endure the difficult process of treatment more easily and recover faster. For this purpose, the living conditions of children in the infectious diseases department of the district hospital are being improved.

Project “Public Monitoring of the Administrative Services Center in Voznesensk” – the project improves the quality of administrative services by implementing the recommendations of local residents, which were provided as a result of the monitoring of the local ASC.

Charitable program “Yuriy Gerzhov Memorial Fund” – creation of a real mechanism that provided long-term and systematic financial support for social initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life and solving socially important problems of local communities.